
A Family Under Construction

For the last two weeks, my house has been a bit of a construction zone. My husband was on vacation and we chose not to go anywhere as a family because we wanted to do some fixing on our 114-year-old house. We have owned it for 3 yrs now and each year we pick a project to do that will enhance the house or makes our home more suited to our taste. It is old and needs and a lot of work. We ripped up old carpeting and fixed and the neglected old hardwood floor. There was some broken boards that were ignored and a hole that was covered with old license plates. Instead of fixing the problems with the floor someone chose to hide the flaws or the outright missing pieces. How offten do you know some thing needs to change but avoid it? How often do you hid the problems in your family rather than fix them?


A couple of weeks ago I wrote about Art and Marriage. I talked about how marriage has a lot of similarities to art. I talk a lot about marriage, however, sometimes there are kids and this makes for a whole new set of rules for a family.  Right? Not really, a foundation on a house can be the reason it stands the test of time or if it falls. Kids bring new challenges. Just as weather and natural disaster bring about changes to a house. Also each kids bring new challenges and changes.

Adding to the Numbers

Adding a new family members to your family means new roles and responsibilities. And ever growing and changing list of responsibilities and needs. Kids and parents require time and effort to maintain a healthy family. Often the Parents feel like they are drifting apart while raising the thier kids.


Traditionally moms used to stay home with kids and raise the young ones do the housework cook and clean and plan the parties to impress the hubby’s boss. Now however a woman has been encouraged to get degrease and have a career. They also have been encouraged to be a career woman and a mother. Now I must say I think that is fabulous women have a lot to contribute. However, can you imagine the stress and added pressure.

I’ve Been There

I remember a time when I was headed to work and my daughter told me she would be having a lot of fun with her siblings and dad without me. Now it did not matter that those said siblings were imaginary siblings. Or that said Father had never been seen by her in her entire life. What did matter was how she perceived my work.  To have good and well-mannered kids takes time and effort.  I take a lot of pride in doing my job as a mom. It has been a long time since i have had to go to work and my kids take second fiddle to my job. But i understand the stress of having a job you need and trying to raise a family.

What Can you Do

What can you do when you have to work. And maybe you don’t have a degree or you can’t get the job you want that may be more profitable for your family.  You have heard of people who make money from home the live the life they want and can laz on the beach sip margaritas and rake in the money. Right, and you want that sort of thing for you but you just don’t know how to get there.


I want to be real with you. It takes time and effort to get there.  But first let me be frank sometime the stars have to align and your duck have to be in a row and it happen with a lot of work and dedication. However you need to start with the ducks and get them in a row.  And get your affairs in order. Maybe you need to have a better handle on your money.  Or maybe you need to get organized or even plan better meals habits. I know this all seems a little odd but they all are a start to getting to where you want to be. They are like the foundation to getting your dream.

There Is More

Remember life goes on while you plan and dream. Your kids are growing and learning from you. Our family’s need you to stay involved. It is imperative for our families to maintain it’s health while we pursue our dreams. As I write this I think about my family’s health and their dreams One of the tools I use to make sure I stay on track is the Zigler family check-up tool.

What Is Needed

So here is your checklist of what you need to think about and need to get on the road to living your dream life. Once again this is very beginning steps to taking charge of the construction zone of your family.

  • A diary (keep your thoughts and ideas in it)
  • A list of what makes you, you (what is it that makes you special )
  • A understanding that you have something to offer (this needs to be put in your diary)

Just as this website is ever evolving and kinda like me in my maker’s hand. He is the Potter and i am the clay. I learn on a daily basis new and better ways to be the mom and wife i should be by reaching my personal goals.  Sometimes i get overwhelmed. But that is why i look to mentors to help me so i can be a better mentor for you. One the people who got me started on my path was Matthew Loomis there is more on my recommendations page. Check it out.   And some time i get the cart before the horse.


I Bless you (your name), with clear direction. Allowing the Lord to Guide your steps to align with the plan he(God) has for your life. Knowing because you have chosen his plan your life will be filled with joy and gladness.

Next Step

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