
Helping Hand For the Family

As a person who wants to help, it can be a bit disconcerting to realize you don’t have all the answers to all the questions a family may face. However as like everything in life you look to find answers to your questions. And sometimes you get really lucky to find the answers among really unexpected sources. And families have a lot of different aspects and requirements for success. 

Helping a family be all they can, can require a lot of information. And one of the best sources for building a healthy family is God and his word. But breaking down what is needed and required can be a bit overwhelming. So when you find someone how can help you make sense of it all is really nice. In recent months I had the opportunity to work with Ziglar Family. Created by the family of Zig Zigler.

About Zig

Zig was America’s most influential and beloved encourager and believer that everyone could be, do and have more. He reached and influenced an estimated 250 million people with his gazillion books videos and recordings, and many live presentations to auditoriums filled with tens of thousands. The Ziglar family has built on his idea and is truly a wonderful source of information and Helpful resources.

Do you Know What your Family needs

Often we know we need help. And sometimes it is hard to pinpoint what is it we need. One of my favorite sources in the Ziglar family website is the wheel of Family life in the 7day challenge. This is truly an eye-opening resource. Helping you to understand where your family’s weak points are and then giving you the information to fill in the gaps. And make you stronger and healthier as a family.

Other Resources For the Family 

Now the 7day challenge is not the only resource. However, it is a good starting point for a healthier and stronger family. It is a great starting point and has a lot of benefits for your family. Especially since it is free. However, they also have a fuller and more in-depth resource called Thrive.  I know it is worth the coast to have a happy and healthy family. Something that is often not found in today’s world.


So I want you to know these links are affiliate links and I will get a portion of all sales. However, I do want you to know even if I was not getting paid I would have shared this information with you. Since I truly believe in and want you to have the best happy and healthy family you can have.

7day challenge

Thrive 1$ trial

Thrive Live

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